Whether your independent dealership is moving fast or slow, it’s important to continuously reflect on how you can better serve your customers. There’s a lot to keep up with, and it can be easy to let certain aspects of customer service go by the wayside while you’re focusing on other aspects of running your business. Consider these tips as you allocate more time toward ensuring a stellar customer experience.

1. Feedback is Priceless

In this regard, we’re speaking about reviews and customer feedback. This is one of the best ways to stay in touch with your customers and how they really feel. There often are things that they may not feel comfortable saying during the transaction.

However, when they are in the comfort of their homes and filling out an online survey or review, they have had time to really think about how they feel. Google reviews are an excellent way to know how people are really feeling about your dealership. Rather than just reading these comments, you should make sure you take the time to respond to them.

2. Happy Employees Make Happier Customers

Your employees are a reflection of you and the dealership you are running. There should be uniformity in how customers are treated by leadership, as well as other team members. Consider how customers are greeted when they enter the business?

What is their experience while they are waiting to meet with someone? How do your employees interact with customers when you or a manager isn’t around? All of these are questions you should know the answer to, along with determining what resources your team may need to do their job better. Also, make sure to have conversations with team members if you sense something is off.

Happy employees make for a happy workplace.

3. Transparency is Key

Customers don’t want to spend time searching for answers. They also don’t want to do business with a dealer or salesperson that they don’t trust. By keeping your website and listings up to date, along with being able to answer any questions they may have, you help establish trust. Consider frequently asked questions that past customers have had.

Would it be useful to include a FAQ tab on your website? Is your site easy to navigate, with important information readily available? Think of the information you would like to know when making a large purchase and make sure you meet or exceed your own desired standards.

In a data-backed study, HubSpot determined that customer service not only retains customers but also extracts more value from them. By providing top-notch customer service, businesses recoup customer acquisition costs and cultivate a loyal following that refers customers, serves as case studies, and provides testimonials and reviews.” Keep these benefits in mind as you continue to craft a customer-dedicated experience at your auction or dealership.

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